Protected Health Information (PHI)
HIPAA HITECH legislation and Email - Important factors and main technical safeguards:
Where can I find the official document for the Federal HIPAA HITECH legislation?
The HITECH legislation is Title XIII of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment act. It can be found on page 112 in the official document at:
Is an encrypted email HIPAA compliant?
The Security Rule of the original HIPAA legislation permits covered entities to use email as a way to electronically transmit protected health information (PHI) and requires that steps be taken to protect those transmissions.
How MDofficeMail is HIPAA compliant?
MDofficeMail is HIPAA compliant by virtue of the following features:
Subject line of email message - HIPAA email compliance
As the subject line of email message is not encrypted, users should never include PHI in the subject line.
Dedicated servers - HIPAA email compliance
Though MDofficeMail is hosted in dedicated servers, there is no explicit requirement. HIPAA law is 'technology neutral' in that it makes no specific requirements for the implementation of technical security, e.g. the level of encryption (128 bits or 256 bits), the encryption type (RSA, AES, etc.), the level of auditing, etc. The security restrictions MD Officemail enforces ensure that all the hosted accounts meet the Technical Safeguards of the HIPAA Security Rule.
MDVault helps to send HIPAA-compliant, encrypted messages to any recipient, for end-to-end protection.. |
Email archives, Data backup, Calendar, File sharing, Access logs, Audit files, Spam control, Virus protection, Auto migration and.. |
Anyone can send a secure message to a MDofficeMail user!! Just go to the webpage, compose and send! |
All email messages are stored in a secure remote server which cannot be edited or deleted.... |
No more fax machines, telephone lines. Subscribe to MDfax to send/receive HIPAA compliant fax from your email or desktop... |