From - This column in the INBOX shows who sent the message. If you are in the Sent folder this column called To, and shows who a message is sent to. Clicking on the 'From' or 'To' alphabetically sorts the items in this column. Click on a message in the column to view the item.
Subject - Shows the subject line. Clicking on "Subject" sorts the list alphabetically. Clicking messages in the column will open the message for viewing. Click on a message in the column to view the item.
Date - Shows the date and time the message was sent. Clicking on this column header will sort the by the date sent.
Attach - Shows how many attachments each message has.
Size - This column shows the size of each message in bytes. Click on column header to sort the messages by size
Navigating between pages - If there are more messages in the folder than the number of messages per page (as set in options), the messages will be split up into multiple pages. The pages are displayed beneath the folder when it is selected. Click on the page icon to display it.
Label: This option will help you manage the labels of your current folders if any, or the new folders.