Account Settings

Once you click on the Account Settings link, it is redirected to your own account User Self Administration login where you need to specify the credentials to login. This is just an illustrative example for your convenience. The account settings originally will reflect your own domain name when using it from your own domain login page.
Allows you to view information table such as Access type/Groups, Account Status, Admin access settings, Disk Quota (bytes), Expiry Date, Full Name, Max In, Phone, Sms Number, User access settings, User alias quota, User list quota, Language.
To load a user pick a domain, enter a username, and click 'lookup'. Alternately simply enter the entire email address and click 'lookup'. If you cannot remember the exact email enter what you remember and click 'lookup'. A new user can be added using this option and can search or delete an existing user accordingly.
Email Notification:
This option allows you to receive a short message notification email to the address specified in the text field adjacent to “email notification” when a new message arrives to the current account.